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I Pledge Allegiance- Part 1

Nothing divides like Politics because nothing divides like fear. Politicians and political parties love to stoke fear and worry. But Jesus' church is not based on fear and worry and we dare not let our loyalty to Jesus be distracted by politics. Jesus' followers love one another no matter what political parties we may follow.

Galatians Chapters 5 & 6

Discover how a Spirit-led life empowers us to bear the fruits of love, joy, and peace. Join us as we explore the powerful connection between staying rooted in God’s love and living out our faith in practical, meaningful ways!

Redlining Your Time

In this message, we explore how the overwhelming busyness in our lives can distract us from what truly matters, using Jesus’ unhurried life as a model for intentional living. Discover how to break free from the trap of time-wasting activities and align your life with the rhythms of grace to find true peace and fulfillment.

What is the Real Foundation?

Before the Old and New Testaments were combined and called the Bible, the debate about the Christian faith centered on an event, not a book. We believe Jesus rose from the dead, but not because the Bible says so. We believe because of the testimony of eyewitnesses who gave up everything— including their lives— because of their confidence in Jesus.
Before you abandon your faith, it’s worth exploring this question: What if the Bible isn’t the foundation of the Christian faith?

Church People Week 3 - We Need Us

Listen in as we explore what community among church people should look like. How did Jesus want church to be done? How can we learn to value and prioritize healthy community in our own lives?

Why Read the Bible?

Even people who have been "Church People" for years can struggle to understand the Bible. In this message, Pastor Mike helps us know where to start.

Easter 2024: How He Loves Especially You

After Jesus' resurrection, Peter was wrestling with the guilt of having denied Jesus three times. But Jesus had a special invitation for him. The same invitation is for you too.

How He Loves - Week 2 - Caiaphas

How does Jesus love? What if His love sometimes looks like correction? Today we're in the second week of the How He Loves series and Pastor Mike is introducing us to the next villain of the story.

How He Loves - Week 1 - Judas

Today we're starting a new series called "How He Loves." It's all about how Jesus demonstrated love even to the worst people in the Easter story. This week we learn how Jesus showed love to Judas even though He knew Judas would betray him.

Jesus - Between Two Trees - Part 8

Revelation 21 and Genesis 1 look pretty similar. We’re not floating on clouds and singing hymns forever. We are living in resurrected physical bodies in a new heaven and a new earth without sin, pain, or death anymore.

Jesus - Serving - Part 7

Jesus said that when he served, it was like FOOD to him. It nourished him, filled him up. But so many of us are SO busy and SO worn out, serving just sounds...tiring, like ANOTHER thing to do. Today, we hear some really good news: Serving in Jesus' kingdom begins with Jesus serving us! And from there, serving doesn't lead to burn out, it leads to joy and purpose.

Dealing with Hurt and Injustice

When faced with hurt and injustice, we've heard people suggest everything from "eye for an eye" to basically letting yourself be treated like a doormat. But what does Jesus call us to do? Thankfully, in Jesus, we can address injustice and hurt in a way that neither minimizes their gravity nor allows them to consume or define our lives.

Messiah and King

Jesus is God's Son and our Messiah and King. Jesus as Savior and King is the fundamental starting point for following Jesus. We hold this truth closely and everything else wraps around this.

What does your neighbor want for Christmas?

Have you ever seen someone give a really BAD Christmas gift? Was it because they didn't know the person they were giving to? Or because their heart wasn't in it? Or were they just clueless? This Christmas, what are the people around you longing for? Into today's message, we learn what can give them by discovering what the REAL reason for the season is...and it's probably not what you think.

Submission Competition

What's on the list? In every relationship, but especially marriages, we each have a list of expectations we bring to the relationship. Then we hold that over the other person and rob the relationship of joy. This week, it's time to stop talking and listen as you ask the other person: "What's on your list?"

Hopes, Dreams, & Desires

We all have hopes, dreams, and desires for our relationships but it’s easy for those to turn into expectations. This can result in unhealthy relationships, but the way of Jesus offers something better.

Confidence in God

So many Jesus followers react with GREAT OFFENSE and DEFENSE when the "non-Jesus" world wrongs or offends them. However, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus invites us to do. Today, we learn that if we have confidence that GOD IS IN CONTROL, we will be freed up to REACT with uncanny love...and ultimately be more effective in the mission that Jesus has given us.

Living In Obedience

Everyone loves to receive Jesus' forgiveness and mercy. But along with that comes a new way of living by following the way of Jesus. Living this new life requires us to humbly submit our lives to the will of God.

The DRIFT to Legalism

Nobody likes it when people act like legalistic...yet, we are all prone to drift into legalism if the right topic comes up. Today, we spend some time in Galatians to learn how to NOT be legalistic while living the life Jesus calls us to live.

Jesus is Not a Patch

In Season 2, we continue to make sense of our story by making sense of the story of the Bible. Today, we look at a story that Jesus told about how simply ADDING him to what we've already got going is not only not best, but is DESTRUCTIVE. And...that's actually good news - because he's got something better than what you've got going.

Palm Sunday

For some reason, God keeps choosing to engage with the world through flawed people. Today, we see that Jesus enters the scene on a path paved by his friends. And..Jesus will enter people’s lives on a path paved by YOU. Why does God use flawed people like us? The answer is probably better news than you think.

The Grand Story

Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.

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