Jesus spoke a lot about the issue of fear and taught his disciples not to let fear become the "boss" of them. By placing our confidence in the risen Christ, who conquered death, we can overcome fear and live with courage and peace.
Easter 2024: How He Loves Especially You
After Jesus' resurrection, Peter was wrestling with the guilt of having denied Jesus three times. But Jesus had a special invitation for him. The same invitation is for you too.
Jesus - Serving - Part 7
Jesus said that when he served, it was like FOOD to him. It nourished him, filled him up. But so many of us are SO busy and SO worn out, serving just sounds...tiring, like ANOTHER thing to do. Today, we hear some really good news: Serving in Jesus' kingdom begins with Jesus serving us! And from there, serving doesn't lead to burn out, it leads to joy and purpose.
Press on Toward Humility
The word humility can be a confusing word that is often misunderstood. But Humility is one of the most important characteristics that God wants his people to have. So what is it and how can we practice it?
The End, The Beginning
American Christianity gets really weird when it talks about the End Times...it seems to always focus on fear, current events, and geopolitical interpretations. Good News: The focus of the Bible is different. While there's some sobering stuff about the End Times, the Bible teaches us that ultimately, the focus of End Times teaching is: Encouragement. It's pretty simple: Jesus is coming back...and he wants you to be with him when he makes all things new.
Jesus is Not a Patch
In Season 2, we continue to make sense of our story by making sense of the story of the Bible. Today, we look at a story that Jesus told about how simply ADDING him to what we've already got going is not only not best, but is DESTRUCTIVE. And...that's actually good news - because he's got something better than what you've got going.
The Shepherds
The Angels announcement to the shepherds that a Savior had been born was pretty hard to ignore. So is the mercy and peace that God brings to you today.