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Willful Disbelief

We all want to be masters of our own destinies. We all want to feel in control of our lives. The idea of autonomy is attractive. It makes life feel ordered and predictable. But our desire for autonomy can stand in the way of faith. One of the biggest barriers to belief in God is that we don’t want to believe because we don’t want to need anyone. But what if autonomy is an illusion?


Jesus spoke a lot about the issue of fear and taught his disciples not to let fear become the "boss" of them. By placing our confidence in the risen Christ, who conquered death, we can overcome fear and live with courage and peace.


Inside all of us are very strong emotions like Anger, Envy, Guilt, and Fear that push and pull us in different directions. If we’re not careful, they will become your boss and control you from the inside out and they have the potential to ruin your relationships, rob you of peace, and even lead you away from God.

This week we’re talking about a critical heart issue and emotion…GUILT. This powerful emotion can leave you in denial and avoidance or even angry and judgmental. Let’s confront this on Sunday so that Guilt doesn’t become the boss of you.

The Book of Haggai Week 2 - Greater Glory

What do we do when we're discouraged about how things look? According to Haggai, the answer is to find hope in the greater glory to come.

Church People Week 5 - Why Love Katy

What does it mean to radiate Jesus’ values to a lost and dying world? In this message, take a look at the biblical definition of The Church and give practical applications for today on what it means to supply and serve the needs of the people around us.

Church People Week 4 - Created for Awe

What if discovering a sense of awe for God could be contagious in our city? Today Pastor Paul shares about how the early church did just that.

Easter 2024: How He Loves Especially You

After Jesus' resurrection, Peter was wrestling with the guilt of having denied Jesus three times. But Jesus had a special invitation for him. The same invitation is for you too.

Jesus - Between Two Trees - Part 8

Revelation 21 and Genesis 1 look pretty similar. We’re not floating on clouds and singing hymns forever. We are living in resurrected physical bodies in a new heaven and a new earth without sin, pain, or death anymore.

Jesus - Sacraments - Part 6

Jesus taught us to celebrate baptism and the Lord's Supper, but what are they? Today Pastor Paul explains the grace that is offered to us through these gifts.

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Jesus died for your sin to reconcile you to God. Many people often wonder why Jesus had to die. Why doesn’t God just forgive and forget? The Bible teaches that the penalty for sin & rebellion against God is death. As much as we want justice for others, if God truly gave equal justice, you and I would have to die. Jesus came to take that penalty on himself as a sacrifice of atonement. God upholds Justice and Jesus takes the penalty on himself… to redeem and save you.

Beyond Rules

Jesus - Part 2: Beyond Rules

Jesus defined sin as anything that harms you or others. We usually think of sin as breaking God’s rules or laws. But God’s didn’t give the law because he likes rules. He gave the law to protect and honor people. All sins are not equal in their effects and every sin has built in consequences. To follow Jesus is to live a life of daily repentance and learn from the Holy Spirit how to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.

Hopes, Dreams, & Desires

We all have hopes, dreams, and desires for our relationships but it’s easy for those to turn into expectations. This can result in unhealthy relationships, but the way of Jesus offers something better.

Lay it Down

ReActions Speak Louder Than Words - Part 3

Often times our reactions to life events are caused by a desire to control all the outcomes of life. Jesus offers you a standing invitation to put down burdens you were never intended to carry. Come to me all you who are weak and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Confidence in God

So many Jesus followers react with GREAT OFFENSE and DEFENSE when the "non-Jesus" world wrongs or offends them. However, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus invites us to do. Today, we learn that if we have confidence that GOD IS IN CONTROL, we will be freed up to REACT with uncanny love...and ultimately be more effective in the mission that Jesus has given us.

Guilt, Anger, Greed, Jealousy

What’s on the inside eventually shows up on the outside. That’s why it’s important to learn to guard our hearts and manage our emotions.

The DRIFT to Legalism

Nobody likes it when people act like legalistic...yet, we are all prone to drift into legalism if the right topic comes up. Today, we spend some time in Galatians to learn how to NOT be legalistic while living the life Jesus calls us to live.

Parable of the Sower

Are we willing to set aside our preconceived notions of God and hear what Jesus says? The world looks at some people and thinks, "There's no chance for them." But to Jesus, they are worth a try...and he is willing to GENEROUSLY shower the seed of his word into their hearts. If we are willing to hear, Jesus says that he will bring LIFE into our lives that we could never imagine.

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