Press On
A study of perseverance from Philippians

Press On - Mission
The key to PRESS ON and win in the midst of suffering is this truth: You are:
A Saint (Set apart)
On a Mission
With Others
Press On toward Hope
Everyone has hope... the only question is where to you place it? If you place your hope in God, you may not get everything you want, but you will find everything you most deeply desire.
Press on Toward Humility
The word humility can be a confusing word that is often misunderstood. But Humility is one of the most important characteristics that God wants his people to have. So what is it and how can we practice it?
Press On Toward "Working Out"
We do NOT need to work FOR our salvation. Thank God! But today, the Bible tells that as God works salvation in us, we get to "work out" or reflect that salvation to the people around us. In a world filled with grumbling and disputing, we get to SHINE God's unearned love...and experience unimaginable joy in the midst of it.
Press On Towards Grace
Every one of us struggles to put our confident trust in the right places. Too often we put it in ourselves and our circumstances. But in Philippians 3, Paul says, "I've played the human achievement game and it can't be won!" Fortunately, there's a better option...
Press On Towards Imitation
You ARE imitating is simply a question of who? And someone is imitating is simply a question of what you are giving them to imitate. Thankfully, the letter to the Philippians gives us an example of what it looks like to be sincerely humble AND live a life worthy of imitation. And it begins with setting our eyes on what Jesus has done for us.
Press on towards Contentment
Is is possible to be content IN a situation even if you are not content WITH the situation? In other words, is it possible to be OK even when the situation is NOT OK? Today, we wrap up the Book of Philippians as the Apostle Paul talks about the Secret of contentment...and ultimately the goodness of God's unearned, unending love.