In this series we learn about avoiding pushing ourselves to the redline and finding the healthy margins God wants you to experience.

Creating Margins
Today Pastor Mike kicks off a new series about avoiding pushing ourselves to the redline and finding the healthy margins God wants you to experience.
Redlining Your Finances
We live in a culture that continually tells us to pursue a higher standard of living in order to improve our quality of life. But "standard of living" and "quality of life" aren't the same thing. One has to do with the stuff we accumulate. The other is about the peace we experience regardless of our circumstances.
What if your pursuit of a standard of living is undermining your quality of life? It's time to stop redlining your finances and create some breathing room!
Redlining Your Time
In this message, we explore how the overwhelming busyness in our lives can distract us from what truly matters, using Jesus’ unhurried life as a model for intentional living. Discover how to break free from the trap of time-wasting activities and align your life with the rhythms of grace to find true peace and fulfillment.