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In this series we discover what the real unshakable foundation of our faith is. If you're someone who has written off much of faith, this is a series for you. We're cutting through the fog that clouds belief and getting to the basics that we can truly count on.

Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

Jesus wants his people to have an unshakeable faith. Typically, people who stop believing in God walk away from a particular version of God. But what if they have the wrong version? What if you have the wrong version? If you’ve walked away from faith or religion, it could be that your version of god never existed in the first place.

What is the Real Foundation?

Before the Old and New Testaments were combined and called the Bible, the debate about the Christian faith centered on an event, not a book. We believe Jesus rose from the dead, but not because the Bible says so. We believe because of the testimony of eyewitnesses who gave up everything— including their lives— because of their confidence in Jesus.
Before you abandon your faith, it’s worth exploring this question: What if the Bible isn’t the foundation of the Christian faith?

The Problem of Evil

What happens to our faith in a good God when we experience pain or witness injustice? Do bad things serve as evidence against a good God? Or is there more to the story?

Look at Jesus

If you could see God just once, wouldn’t it settle your fears, give you assurance, and motivate you to hold firm in your faith? If you want to know what God says, listen to Jesus. If you want to know what God is up to, watch Jesus. If you want to have a closer relationship with God, follow Jesus.

Willful Disbelief

We all want to be masters of our own destinies. We all want to feel in control of our lives. The idea of autonomy is attractive. It makes life feel ordered and predictable. But our desire for autonomy can stand in the way of faith. One of the biggest barriers to belief in God is that we don’t want to believe because we don’t want to need anyone. But what if autonomy is an illusion?

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