Galatians Chapter 3
Galatians - Part 3
Children of the Promise
Today Pastor George shares from Galatians 3 about how to embrace your identity as a child of God and live in the freedom that comes from being part of God’s family.
Galatians Chapter 2
Galatians - Part 2
Being right with God comes through faith alone in Christ alone. In chapter 2 of Galatians Paul shares his personal story about a confrontation with Peter that shows just how important this truth is for all of our lives.
Willful Disbelief
We all want to be masters of our own destinies. We all want to feel in control of our lives. The idea of autonomy is attractive. It makes life feel ordered and predictable. But our desire for autonomy can stand in the way of faith. One of the biggest barriers to belief in God is that we don’t want to believe because we don’t want to need anyone. But what if autonomy is an illusion?
Look at Jesus
If you could see God just once, wouldn’t it settle your fears, give you assurance, and motivate you to hold firm in your faith? If you want to know what God says, listen to Jesus. If you want to know what God is up to, watch Jesus. If you want to have a closer relationship with God, follow Jesus.
The Problem of Evil
What happens to our faith in a good God when we experience pain or witness injustice? Do bad things serve as evidence against a good God? Or is there more to the story?
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Jesus wants his people to have an unshakeable faith. Typically, people who stop believing in God walk away from a particular version of God. But what if they have the wrong version? What if you have the wrong version? If you’ve walked away from faith or religion, it could be that your version of god never existed in the first place.
Church People Week 4 - Created for Awe
What if discovering a sense of awe for God could be contagious in our city? Today Pastor Paul shares about how the early church did just that.
Press On Toward "Working Out"
We do NOT need to work FOR our salvation. Thank God! But today, the Bible tells that as God works salvation in us, we get to "work out" or reflect that salvation to the people around us. In a world filled with grumbling and disputing, we get to SHINE God's unearned love...and experience unimaginable joy in the midst of it.
Press on Toward Humility
The word humility can be a confusing word that is often misunderstood. But Humility is one of the most important characteristics that God wants his people to have. So what is it and how can we practice it?
Living In Obedience
Everyone loves to receive Jesus' forgiveness and mercy. But along with that comes a new way of living by following the way of Jesus. Living this new life requires us to humbly submit our lives to the will of God.
The Flood
The story of Noah and the Flood is one of the most devastating stories of God's justice in the entire Bible. Humanity's evil, violence, injustice, and oppression had caused God's patience to run out. Yet, God also extends mercy and remembers his promise to Eve.
The Grand Story
Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.
New Year Message: Hope & Transformation
Happy New Year! 🎆🪩 As we allow our staff and volunteers to have a break this weekend, we want to offer you some encouragement. In this video message Pastors Mike and Paul lead us in a couple of questions to help us look back on the past year, and ahead to the year to come.
The Magi
A lot of us have a picture in our minds of the KIND of person that God would be drawn to. For some of you, that picture looks…well…like you. You know that you need forgiveness and grace, but probably not as much as THAT guy. OR, it looks NOTHING like you. You think you don’t have a chance with God. I have good news: You’re both wrong. Today, in “Hard to Ignore”, we are going to take a look at how Jesus defies everyone’s expectations in the story of the Magi. God chooses the most unlikely people - and that’s good news.