The Book of Haggai Week 3 - How God Works in the World
Your choices matter to God as He partners with His people to establish His Kingdom. Take inventory of your life and make intentional steps toward obedience to experience the blessings God has for you.
Dealing with Hurt and Injustice
When faced with hurt and injustice, we've heard people suggest everything from "eye for an eye" to basically letting yourself be treated like a doormat. But what does Jesus call us to do? Thankfully, in Jesus, we can address injustice and hurt in a way that neither minimizes their gravity nor allows them to consume or define our lives.
Job, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
“Make it Make Sense,” is about making sense of our story in light of God’s story. Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.
The Flood
The story of Noah and the Flood is one of the most devastating stories of God's justice in the entire Bible. Humanity's evil, violence, injustice, and oppression had caused God's patience to run out. Yet, God also extends mercy and remembers his promise to Eve.