Willful Disbelief
We all want to be masters of our own destinies. We all want to feel in control of our lives. The idea of autonomy is attractive. It makes life feel ordered and predictable. But our desire for autonomy can stand in the way of faith. One of the biggest barriers to belief in God is that we don’t want to believe because we don’t want to need anyone. But what if autonomy is an illusion?
The Book of Haggai Week 3 - How God Works in the World
Your choices matter to God as He partners with His people to establish His Kingdom. Take inventory of your life and make intentional steps toward obedience to experience the blessings God has for you.
The Book of Haggai Week 2 - Greater Glory
What do we do when we're discouraged about how things look? According to Haggai, the answer is to find hope in the greater glory to come.
Church People Week 3 - We Need Us
Listen in as we explore what community among church people should look like. How did Jesus want church to be done? How can we learn to value and prioritize healthy community in our own lives?
Jesus - Between Two Trees - Part 8
Revelation 21 and Genesis 1 look pretty similar. We’re not floating on clouds and singing hymns forever. We are living in resurrected physical bodies in a new heaven and a new earth without sin, pain, or death anymore.
Confidence in God
So many Jesus followers react with GREAT OFFENSE and DEFENSE when the "non-Jesus" world wrongs or offends them. However, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus invites us to do. Today, we learn that if we have confidence that GOD IS IN CONTROL, we will be freed up to REACT with uncanny love...and ultimately be more effective in the mission that Jesus has given us.
Living In Obedience
Everyone loves to receive Jesus' forgiveness and mercy. But along with that comes a new way of living by following the way of Jesus. Living this new life requires us to humbly submit our lives to the will of God.
Jesus is Not a Patch
In Season 2, we continue to make sense of our story by making sense of the story of the Bible. Today, we look at a story that Jesus told about how simply ADDING him to what we've already got going is not only not best, but is DESTRUCTIVE. And...that's actually good news - because he's got something better than what you've got going.
Creation and Fall
As we continue to make sense of our lives by making sense of the overarching story of the Bible, we are digging into the Genesis story of the Creation and Fall of humankind. Today, we discover that we can begin to make sense of ALL of our DESIRES and ALL of our DISTRESSES through this account of creation. Good news: It ends with all your desires being fulfilled.
The Grand Story
Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.